The International Biotechnology Days (IDB2024) of the Tunisian Association of Biotechnology
IDB 2024: December 26th - 29st, 2024
Topics :

Program :
Plenary conferences, orals communications and posters. Some oral communication will be selected for a presentation as a thematic conference of 20 min. These conferences are reserved for Researchers or Post doc. Best posters will be awarded during the closing ceremony.
Abstract submission deadline:
Oral communications: October, 15th 2024
Posters: October, 22th 2024
Notification of acceptance: November 5th, 2024
Registration deadline: November 10th, 2024
Language :
Presentations can be in French or English. However:
- The abstracts (without graphics) shall be in English following the template enclosed (link). All non-conform abstracts will be systematically rejected.
- All presentation media (PPT) and Posters shall be in English
Abstract template :
Contributions :
- Only one contribution per participant will be accepted
Deux prix (par thématique) pour meilleurs posters seront accordés pour les étudiants.
Oral presentation of posters:
Some posters, chosen for their pertinence during assessment, might be subject to succinct oral presentations (two slides maximum per poster).
Nota Bene:
1. Registration and submission of abstracts must be done on-line via the website of A.T.Biotech:
2. No participation will be taken into account if the following conditions are not respected:
a. The abstract should be conform to the template provided
b. The registration via the website after receiving the notification of acceptance is necessary as a confirmation
3. Applicants should submit only one contribution per participant. No exceptions will be accorded.
4. As the number of rooms in the hotel is limited, single rooms will be accorded to participants (and not to accompanying guests) depending on availability; except in case of payment in advance.
List of speakers:
- Pr Hechmi Louzir (Pasteur Institute, Tunisia)
- Pr Hussein Abdel Shaffy (Water Research & Pollution Control at National Research Centre. National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt)
- Pr. Francisco Barro Losada (the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (CSIC). IAS-CSIC Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba, Andalucía, España)
- Pr. Marc Le Petit (Research Director at French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) Antibes, France)
- Pr. Dhouha Ghribi (higher Institut of Biotechnology of Sfax, University of Sfax)
- Pr. Chedly Ebdelly (Agence Nationale de la Promotion de la Recherche scientifique, Tunisia)
- Pr. Michael O’Donohue (Research Director at French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) France)
- Pr. Hatem Ben Ouada ( Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer-INSTM-Tunisia)
Registration fees :
Click here for registration fees
Scientific Program:
A.T.Biotech. : Tél./Fax : +216 74 870 692; E-mail :