Each academic year, ATBiotech Organizes international scientific days to share and discuss the scientific advances in several fields of biotechnology. On the other hand, the Association organize (or co-organize) other activities related to some specific biotechnological fields.
Previous Events :
- International Days of Biotechnology (IDB 2012), Hotel Nour Palace, Mahdia, December 19th-22nd 2012, about 450 participants.Third International Workshop on Industrial Biotechnology (IWIB2012), organized in collaboration with The Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax (CBS) and the Arab Biotechnology Association (ABA) / Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils (FASRC), Hotel Sango Syphax, Sfax, April 23rd-24th 2012, about 200 participants.
- International Days of Biotechnology (IDB2011), Hotel Riu Bellevue Park El Kantaoui, Sousse, December 19th-22nd 2011, about 400 participants.
- Fifth Colloquium of the Francophone Association of Microbial Ecology, Hotel Riu Marco Polo, Hammamet, November 14th-16th 2011, about 250 participants.
- International Days of Biotechnology (IDB2010), Hotel Riu Marco Polo, Yasmine Hammamet, December 22nd-19th 2010, about 400 participants.
- The 8th ATBiotech Days, Hotel Riu Bellevue Park El Kantaoui, Sousse, 20th - 23rd December 2009, about 400 participants.
- The 7th ATBiotech Days/13th Congress of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation, December 15th-18th 2008, about 300 participants.
- The 6th ATBiotech Days, December 23rd-26th 2007, about 400 participants.
- A day on International Patent in Biology: Procedures and lived experiences, Hammamet February 10th 2007, 100 participants.
- The 5th ATBiotech Days /The first Mediterranean congress of Biotechnology, Hôtel Melia El-Mouradi, Yasmine Hammamet, March 25th-29th 2006, about 500 participants.
- The 4th ATBiotech Days and the First Seminar of Microbiology, Hotel Abu Nawes, Hammamet, December 19th-22nd 2004, about 250 participants.
- The 3rd ATBiotech Days of Biotechnology, Hotel EL Mouradi, Mahdia, December 20th-23rd 2003, about 300 participants.
- The 2nd ATBiotech Days and the 1st Maghreb Days of Biotechnology: Symposium on Biotechnological Applications of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, Hotel Abou Nawes, Hammamet, December 15th-18th 2002, about 250 participants.
- A day on Patents and Start-ups, Hôtel Albatros, Hammamet, November 10th2001, 85 participants.
- The 1st ATBiotech Days, Hôtel Dreams Beach, Sousse, February 9th-11th 2001, about 190 participants.
- Co-organization of the Vth International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestionof Solid Wastes and Energy Crops: Vth ISAD-SW & EC 2008. Hammamet, May 25th-28th, 2008.
- Co-organization of a workshop entitled "Analysis of proteins by 2D gel eletrophoresis", November 14th-18th 2006.
- Co-organization of a workshop entitled "Molecular Techniques for Purification and Analysis of RNA and Proteins", June 8th-9th 2005